Be who you are and dont change Yourself for others

Hey beautiful people

We all started like Little Girls or Boys, who Loved to play all Day long and we dont need to think about if someone likes us or not.

Then Later in our Teenage age, the problema begun, there were groups in school the

cool ones, the nerds, cheerleader, freaks any many more

It was not anymore important how you act no just how you look like and how others can change you just with words

For many people the Highschool is such a hell on earth i know all this bullying shit, the hate everywhere. I know its fucking hard but trust me the Highschool ends and you get out of there.

To stay who you are and what you Love is in this time really hard cause you wanna find friends, sometimes the wrong ones, but you gonna learn from this.

What i wanna say, how hard it is and how much energy it needs dont Change yourself just to get loved by others we are all individual and this makes each of us special and unique.

Dont Change your look, you way to talk or what you eat just be yourself and you will see the truth and honest people gonna love you for this

xo Sarah
